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Buying or Selling a 1969 Intermeccanica Murena

1969 Intermeccanica MurenaTen years had passed since chemical engineer Frank Reisner had founded Construzione Automobili Intermeccanica in 1959 Turin, Italy. The company had created for itself one of the more interesting reputations in the sports car industry, with its two GTS both performing well with critically but experiencing different levels of marketplace success. It was the second of these, the Italia, which placed Reisner on firm financial footing and allowed him to experiment with radical new designs. The 1969 Intermeccanica Murena was just such a radical design, as it fell under the curious sport wagon category and seemed intent on making itself known by virtue of its size alone. Yes, sizethe nearly two-ton 1969 Intermeccanica Murena was over 200 inches in length and, placing aside its sporty contours, seemed to be descended from Sherman Tank ancestors.

Like the Apollo and the Italia, true sports cars in every sense of the term, the 1969 Intermeccanica Murena was a fusion of European design aesthetics and American engineering. The endlessly long front hood housed a powerful 429 cubic inch Ford V-8. The Murena also boasted a seats-down cargo capacity of 31 square feet (seats up, about half that), which rendered it essentially an enclosed truck. Surprisingly, what limited the Intermeccanica Murena to its tiny production yield of 11 units was not its unusual design or monolithic dimensions, these were apparently well-received by a marketplace quite taken with the Murenas sport wagon properties. Instead, the Murena was done in, at least partially, by its large price tag, doubtless born of its sheer mass and the expensive manufacture of what was, after all, a sporty chassis/exterior. The Murena never found a market, though modern buyers of esoteric tastes might be drawn to its truly peculiar place in sports car history.

Looking to purchase a classic Intermeccanica?

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1969 Intermeccanica Murena Buyers Guide

The Beverly Hills Car Club staff members are renowned and respected within the industry for their excellent client service, their intimate knowledge of the classic car space, and for their resourcefulness in locating and vetting vintage makes/models of all sortsto include sport wagons. Whether you are new to the classic car community or looking to augment your growing collection with another prize model (Murena?), time spent with the Beverly Hills Car Club will be time well spent. Visit the website today and glance through what is by any standard an excellent inventory. Setting up a consultation is a matter of picking up the phone.

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